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part of silence

Naomi Takaki

Part of Silence vol.1



Buster Keaton,

who has been been called “Great Stone Face”, created numerous silent films of comedy in the 1920s.

His works seem to recur dreamlike scenes and inspire audience with imagination by showing acrobatic movements and surrealistic incidents.

There is a funny contrast between Keaton's beautiful and sadness expression and his acrobatic movements.

Silence and comical characters are the two elements that underlie my works as a theme within my creative activities.

I produced five works inspired by Keaton's films with a homage to him for this exhibition.

With respects to Buster Keaton and Kazushi Kusakabe.




Buster Keaton.

彼はGreat Stone Face(偉大なる無表情)と称され、1920年代に数々のサイレン トコメディ映画を世に送り出しました。

アクロバティックなアクション、次から次に起こる奇想天外なトラブル、彼の映画は観る側の想 像力を喚起させ、


ハンサムで美しく悲しげな彼の無表情とアクロバティックなアクションとの対比が奇妙な可笑し さを生み出し、


静寂と滑稽さ、この二つの要素を表現するのは私の作品作りにおけるテーマの一つでもありま す。

今回はBuster keaton映画からインスパイアを受けた5つの作品を彼へのオマージュも込めて制作 しました。

Baster Keatonと日下部一司氏に敬意を表して。                           Naomi Takaki 





   This exhibition is observed on the Internet.


 People receive various kinds of information through monitors in modern society.

 It is a question about what visual effects could emerge on works of the website, though it is a commonly accepted notion

 that we may be able to enjoy art works better

 by seeing them in a gallery or museum than by having them on a monitor. Furthermore, what expression for art can be appropriate

 with merely using monitors as a showcase?

 This online gallery aims at testifying such objectives.





    展覧会へ足を運んで実物を観る事はその作品を観て知る事の出来る最大の行為であるが、 画像の作品にどのような視覚的効果があるか。






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